english web

wave cheat sheet

een Nederlandse handleiding op wave  zelf:!w%2BxpkY5mbgC

Found via cheat sheet [other people have copied this without properly explaning the source.] These guys are right into the wave and how you can make use of it either in business, schools, college or as an individual.

Search Cheat Sheet
This is a quick guide to the operators and restricts supported by wave search.
about:[keyword] — finds waves which have [keyword] occurring anywhere. Same as [keyword].
title:[keyword] — finds waves which have [keyword] in the title.
caption:[keyword] — finds waves which have an attachment where [keyword] occurs in the caption.
is:read — finds all read waves.
is:unread — finds all unread waves.
Note: you cannot currently do a search like “-is:read” by itself and get reliable results due to an outstanding restriction on megastore queries
is:mute — finds all muted waves.
is:unmute — finds all waves not muted
is:active — currently the same as is:unread.
is:note — finds all waves which have you as the only participant and contributor
from:[address] — finds waves from the participant identified by the address. Special case of from:me identifying waves from yourself.
by:[address] — same as from:[address].
to:[address] — find waves which are a dialogue between you and the participant identified by the address.
with:[address] — find waves that have the participant identified by the given address explicitly listed.
owner:[address] — find waves by person, that they created.
only:[address] — finds waves to which only the participant specified by the given address contributed.
Date Search
Currently, there are a few restricts:
past:[date term] — finds all waves in the last period.
previous:[date term] — finds all waves in the period before the last period.
before:[date term] — finds all waves before a certain period.
after:[date term] — finds all waves after a certain period.
which can be combined with date terms:
So you can have past:week, past:year. There is also support for
past:N[date term] where N > 0. So you can have past:3days (today, yesterday, the day before yesterday).
Also you can have
Finally, you can abbreviate days, weeks, months and years to a single letter (d, w, m, y). Thus you can write
in:[folder name] — find waves in the folder with the given name. For example, in:inbox.
in:[search name] — find waves in the saved search with the given name.
is:unfiled — find waves which have not been moved to a user folder.
is:filed — find waves which belong to some user folder.
has:attachment — finds waves with an attachment. This changed from “is:image”.
has:document — finds waves with an attachment which is a document. (coming soon)
has:image — finds waves with an attachments which is an image. (coming soon)
caption:[keyword] — finds waves with an attachment with caption containing [keyword].
filename:[keyword] — finds waves with an attachment with filename containing [keyword]. (coming soon)
mimetype:[keyword] — finds waves with an attachment with mimetype containing [keyword]. (coming soon)
tag:[tag name] — finds waves with the tag [tag name].
has:gadget — finds waves which contain a gadget.
gadget:[keyword] — finds waves which contain a gadget with name containing keywords. e.g. chess, fridge, map, risk, sokoban.
gadgeturl:[keyword] — finds waves which contain a gadget with urls containing keyword.
gadgettitle:[keyword] — finds waves which contain a gadget with a title containing keywords.
foo & bar — match waves with foo and bar.
You can use AND, or skip the operator altogether, as the logical and is the default.
foo | bar — match waves with foo or bar (or both).
foo OR bar — match waves with foo or bar (or both).
-foo — match waves that do not contain foo. (There is an outstanding bug that causes searches with only negative terms to fail. To get around it, use to:me -foo)
“foo … bar” — matches waves that contain the exact phrase “foo … bar” (There is an outstanding bug for live search not working with phrases)
foo & (bar | -baz) — matches waves that contain foo and either bar or do not contain baz.
“[multiple terms]” — match waves with one or more terms in sequence:
“hot dog” catches waves with the terms hot and dog in sequence. This is also required for other operators such as in:”new inbox” where say “new inbox” is a saved search.
XML Search
tags:subtag — find all waves which have this combination.
tag:[tag] — find all waves which have this .
attribute:[value keyword] — finds all waves which have < …. attribute=value …> where keyword is a token in value.
Wave ID
id:”” — find a wave with a specific wave id.
Zero Inbox
If you want to zero inbox, you can hack this temporarily by saving a search “my inbox” with the query:
in:inbox is:unread this:week. You can then use the menu option “Mark as read” in the wave panel.
Alternative zero inbox: in:inbox is:unread past:7days -is:mail
Saved Searches
A search can be saved using one of two methods:
Create a search in the search box and then press the Save search button at the bottom of the Digest panel.
Add a search using the searches Add button on the Navigation panel. Then add the search query and name of the search in the Saved Search popup panel.
Saved searches can be edited and managed using the pop-up menu which shows when hovering over the saved search in the searches section of the Navigation panel.
Filters are saved searches which also have an action to apply to all waves which match the saved search. The actions supported are
skip inbox – removes the wave from inbox. Whilst this wave continues to match the search, it will continue to stay out of the inbox. Skip inbox will shortly be renamed archive.
mark as read – Whilst the wave continues to match the search, it will be marked as read.
You can add a folder by using the Add button on the folders section of the Navigation panel. A folder is added by typing the folder name in the text box given and hitting enter.
Folders can be managed using the pop-up menu that shows when hovering over the folder on the Navigation panel.
Add folder – A subfolder can be added under the current folder.
Rename – rename the current folder.
Delete – delete the current folder.
Language Filter
Much thanks to Geoffrey Spear for the help and insight:
The problem is that these tags aren’t exclusive; if a Wave has any English in it at all it will show up under “lang:en” even if it’s mostly in another language. This is particularly a problem since the search terms themselves are all English so a Wave in, say, Portuguese about using Wave will tell people they need to use “with:whatever” and the system will see “with”, an English word and suddenly the Wave is in both lang:en and lang:pt.
“ lang:en -lang:es -lang:fi -lang:hu -lang:pt -lang:nl -lang:ja -lang:he -lang:fr -lang:ru -lang:sv -lang:zh -lang:de -lang:no -lang:da”
… is fairly effective, although you basically need to keep adding more as you find Waves not in one of these languages. Not a really good solution


Wrong link

Clicking on a link in a tweet from @JimMacMillan on WorldEarthquake
gave me the first “fail” picture there. It is very friendly 🙂 Love it
Wrong link
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Vixen web

A few little things on twitter

abbreviations in twitter

RT = Retweet
PRT = Partial Retweet / Please Retweet
OH = Overheard
DM = Direct Message
@ : Reply to [username]
BTW : By The Way
FTW = For The Win
FTL = For The Loss
IRL = In Real Life
FTF = Face to Face
IMHO = In My Honest Opinion
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
BR = Best Regards
b/c = because
JV = Joint Venture
LMK = Let Me Know

How to do some twitter-things

TweetDeck twitter special prog Windows & MAC

How to do some twitter-things

cross-post articles from blog into Twitter?

  1. FeedBlitz, type the address of the feed in the Subscribe box and choose Twitter from the subscription
  2. : feed your blog to twitter

post pictures on Twitter

  1. TwitPic / Share photos on Twitter
  2. Mobypicture – Shoot ’n Share
  3. TwitterGram (associate your Flickr name with your Twitter account)


275+ Twitter Apps
Twitterguide CSS Top 100
Most usefull twitter services

mobiel web

De eerste hotspot hier

Nu kan er dus getest worden. Waarschijnlijk zat ie er al veel langer 😦
Image posted by
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life nature web

Zondag 15 februari


Vandaag ligt er weer sneeuw, maar het is niet koud genoeg en de sneeuw gaat langzaam over in regen. GJ en ik ontbijten heel laat, met koffie en croissants.
In de loop van de middag rijden we langs vriendin JM naar de Rensumaborg in Uithuizermeeden; jammer genoeg is de tuin deze maand nog dicht, maar het is mooi wandelen onder de eiken op het pad om de grachten, en we volgen een stukje van de pelgrimsroute naar Compostella, het Jacobspad Uithuizen-Hasselt
Ik  twitterde:  Lekkere wandeling in de regen en net op tijd weer in de auto. De provincie Groningen is mooi, ook in de regen

test webcamIk moet toch maar wat meer gaan doen met de webcam dan alleen maar van die donkere foto’s maken. Dit is de laatste.

– gepost met

MobyPicture uit Amsterdam, (die mijn mobiele en webcam plaatjes host + ze doormailt naar mijn weblogs en flickr)  verhuist vandaag naar “de cloud” en wel bij amazon web services.  Lijkt me heel spannend en tegelijk ook heel leuk om dat te doen.  Je hoeft niet meer te investeren in servers, datacenters, infrastruktuur of personeel.  Het is snel. Het beheer is handig. Je betaalt naar wat je gebruikt (en dat is niet echt goedkoop).  Veilig?  Dat weet ik niet.  En laat Amazon nu net vandaag een paar uur zijn servers plat hebben liggen.  Blijkt dat je ook bij de grote jongens dus aardig op je bek kunt gaan.

Weet je niet wat Cloud computing is?

Dan volgt hier een aardige engelse basiscursus


Dagkaart is VII, de zegewagen


Social Media

Social media are changing the way we think and behave and many people just go with this flow. I am the one always full of questions.
And then I read this story on Reg Saddler (Follow him on twitter, he is using the name zaibatsu) today:

Reg Saddler
Reg Saddler

Reg Saddler (Zaibatsu) – Interview — Social Media Rockstar

Do you think social media is evolving our thinking or shifting human consciousness in a new direction?

“Actually, I think it’s dumbing us down. I think people are no longer reading stuff like The Great Gatsby, they’re just searching for quick answers on Google. You don’t have to know how to add, multiply or do any research – it’s all just there floating around on the internet at the push of a button. It makes things too easy.

My troubled thoughts

I have noticed for some time that people seemed to have stopped thinking for themselves. Ask them a question and they start quoting someone else (f.i. in the new age scene where I frequently walk you ‘ll hardly find any new ideas evolving) Most people are not answering from their heart and from their own wisdom. Or have they really never thought and were they trapped in an other system before this and just switched and hooked onto another bite?


De digitale metro in een digitale stad

“% Connection established Het gezellige Meetingpoint van De Digitale Metro.
Er is een [trap] die naar beneden naar de hal van het metrostation gaat.
Bij de ingang van de metro zie je de [h]elpdesk en de informatie[balie].
In de hal is een [kiosk] waar je actueel Metro-nieuws kan vinden.
Je kunt de metro verlaten door de uitgang naar het [plein].”

in 1995 was de digitale stad de plek om rond te hangen op internet.  Ik ontdekte vandaag dat de metro er nog is

Toen ik de eerste keer de Digitale stad instapte was alles nog tekst, later kwam er een echte grafische interface met buurten er bij en daarin, ergens bij het gezondheids- plein in de buurt, had ik een huisje gekraakt, gewoon via een sloom modempje en inloggen in Amsterdam vanuit Drenthe.

DDS City ging noodgedwongen op commerciële basis verder (is nu de provider en een aantal gebruikers, verenigd in Vereniging Open Domein kon zich niet vinden in de samenwerkingsvoorstellen van DDS City en vormden een eigen nieuwe digitale stad


Twitter jij?

Twitter is vorig jaar vanuit de Verenigde Staten komen overwaaien naar Europa. Het combineert webloggen met instant messaging.

Een eenvoudige en goede uitleg over wat Twitter precies is en wat je er mee kunt vond ik op het weblog van Jeanet bathoorn onder de titel Wat is Twitter? « Jeanet op het web’s Blog

Als je Twittert kun je mij ook hier onder ook volgen )

technology web

W3C announced new standard WCAG

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has announced a new standard to make sites more accessible to older and disabled people.

Version 2.0 of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) will apply to text, images, audio and video.

It also covers web applications and is said to give developers more flexibility than the old guidelines.

According to the consortium, WCAG 2.0 should also be easier to understand and use.

The guidance is designed to address barriers encountered by people with visual, hearing, physical, cognitive and neurological disabilities and older people with access needs.

Fron BBC NEWS – Technology

Rekening houden met mensen die niet goed kunnen zien, horen of bewegen is niet iets wat de meeste webdesigners gewoonlijk bezig houdt wanneer ze een website bouwen.  Toch is het maar een klein beetje extra “werk” en eventjes een geestelijk knopje bijschakelen als je met een nieuwe site aan de gang gaat!


Vriendjes wel of niet accepteren?

Five types of Facebook trolls, and what to do with them from CNET

Troll type: Old-time Nobody
Confirm or ignore? Confirm

Troll type: New service addict
Confirm or ignore? Ignore

Troll type: Bar friend
Confirm or ignore? Confirm

Troll type: The stranger
Confirm or ignore? Think first

Troll type: The ghost
Confirm or ignore? Remove

You can read the whole story at the page linked at the top; it gives ample suggestions and explanation as to the reason why to confirm or ignore.  I am new to Facebook.

So now I have a lot of thinking first to do )….