astrologie english

Moons and counting

January 6th this year was the beginning of the 11th Jewish month of Shevat.  There is a holiday at the 15th day of Shevat—Tu Beeshvat—which is the “New Year of Trees”,  this year on January 20, next year on February 8th
The beginning of the Jewish month is always at the appearance of a new moon, determined by the sighting of a new crescent.
almond tree flowersShevat
Color: Blue-Green
Letter: Tzadik צ (tzadik is the foundation of the world)
Mazal (Zodiac) : D’li (Aquarius–the Pail)
Tribe: Asher (meaning pleasure/happiness)
Sense: eating, taste
Controller: stomach [and esophagus]

Jewish holidays and the zodiac month in which they fall are often related.

Aries/Ram – zodiac for Nisan, with Passover.
Taurus/Bull – zodiac for Iyar.
Gemini/Twins – zodiac for Sivan, with Shavuot
Cancer/Crab – zodiac for Tammuz.
Leo/Lion – zodiac for Av, with Tisha B’Av
Virgo/Virgin – zodiac for Elul
Libra/Scales – zodiac for Tishrei, with Rosh Hashana and   Yom Kippur.
Scorpio/Scorpion – zodiac for Cheshvan.
Sagittarius/Archer – zodiac for Kislev, with Chanukah
Capricorn/Goat – zodiac for Tevet.
Aquarius/Water Bearer – zodiac for Shevat, with Tu B’Shevat, the renewed growth of the trees, also called the new year of the trees or the birthday of the trees
Pisces/Fish – zodiac for Adar, with Purim which are kabbalistically related to fish (hidden under the waters).



Veertig jaar geleden was er een mooi lied in de musical Hair,  “dawn of Aquarius”

When the Moon is in the seventh house

and Jupiter aligns with Mars.

Then peace will guide the planets

and love will steer the stars

de volledige tekst staat op

en vanmorgen kreeg ik een nieuwsbrief waarin gezegd wordt dat dit stukje in ieder geval werkelijkheid wordt op 14 februari om 07:50 UT a.s.

Aquarian alignment
Aquarian alignment