
Social Media

Social media are changing the way we think and behave and many people just go with this flow. I am the one always full of questions.
And then I read this story on Reg Saddler (Follow him on twitter, he is using the name zaibatsu) today:

Reg Saddler
Reg Saddler

Reg Saddler (Zaibatsu) – Interview — Social Media Rockstar

Do you think social media is evolving our thinking or shifting human consciousness in a new direction?

“Actually, I think it’s dumbing us down. I think people are no longer reading stuff like The Great Gatsby, they’re just searching for quick answers on Google. You don’t have to know how to add, multiply or do any research – it’s all just there floating around on the internet at the push of a button. It makes things too easy.

My troubled thoughts

I have noticed for some time that people seemed to have stopped thinking for themselves. Ask them a question and they start quoting someone else (f.i. in the new age scene where I frequently walk you ‘ll hardly find any new ideas evolving) Most people are not answering from their heart and from their own wisdom. Or have they really never thought and were they trapped in an other system before this and just switched and hooked onto another bite?